
[Information] Tarta de Santiago / タルタ・デ・サンティアゴ

Torta de Santiago is a famous type of almond pie from Galicia, literally meaning cake of St. James. The Galician name for cake is Torta whilst it is often referred to Tarta, which is the Spanish word. ...[Wikipedia]

Enclosed monastery of San Paio de Antealtares
The Benedictine nuns also make exquisite confectionery: biscuits and Santiago’s typical almond cake (available everyday at the revolving window), and swiss roll, almond biscuits and other desserts (by order).. [SantiagoTurismo.com]

Contacta and mass times
Antealtares, 23 (church entrance in Via Sacra))
Tel. +34 981 58 31 27 / + 34 981 56 06 23

MConvent mass: 7.30 pm (working days); 8 am (Saturday, after lauds); 12 noon (Sunday and public holidays).
Lauds: 8 am; Vespers: 8 pm; Saturday at 7.30 pm; Vigils: Saturday at 9.15 pm.
Revolving window: 9 am to 1 pm and 3.30 to 7 pm.



バスク自治州 [JP]

サン・セバスティアン [JP]


東京都港区虎ノ門 3-1-10 
第二虎ノ門電気ビル 6F

より大きな地図で スペイン政府観光局 を表示


旅 2008年 07月号 [雑誌] (雑誌)

Pen (ペン) 2008年 5/1号 [雑誌] (雑誌)

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聖地サンティアゴ巡礼の旅 (単行本)
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サンティアゴ巡礼の道 (とんぼの本) (単行本)
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